Why Smart Tech Acceleration Is Essential to YourLong-Term Success

Are you feeling like you’re falling behind in today’s digital race? You’re not alone. The cutthroat business world no longer tolerates “good enough” or subpar technology. Therefore, it’s high time to turn technology into your growth engine, but hasty tech adoption won’t cut it. Thisis where smart tech acceleration comes in. What is smart tech …

Debunking Myths About AI in Cybersecurity

AI has become a buzzword that often evokes a mix of awe, doubt and even fear, especially when it comes tocybersecurity. However, the fact is that if used effectively AI can revolutionize the way businesses like yoursoperate. That’s why you must cut through the noise and separate fact from fiction if you want to leverage …

3 Technology End-of-Service Myths

It’s crucial to keep all software and hardware up to date to maintain optimal security. If you don’t, cybercriminals can easily infiltrate your network, and the chances for downtime increase significantly. However, many businesses don’t realize that expired software/hardware can actually be one of the most prominent security risks hindering their success.  If you are …

Don’t Overlook These 3 Technology Budget Categories

Are you considering all the necessary technology categories when planning your annual budget?  Technology is essential for any modern business such as yours, but it’s easy to focus solely on routine services that keep the lights on. This could lead you to miss crucial budget categories, leaving you scrambling when unanticipated needs arise.  Keep reading …

Don’t Overlook These 3 Technology Budget Categories  

Are you considering all the necessary technology categories when planning your annual budget?  Technology is essential for any modern business such as yours, but it’s easy to focus solely on routine services that keep the lights on. This could lead you to miss crucial budget categories, leaving you scrambling when unanticipated needs arise.  Keep reading …

4 Common Technology Budgeting Mistakes 

Are you planning to include your IT needs in your annual budget this year? If so, congratulations! You’re doing something incredible to ensure your small business’ success.   Budgeting for technology can be tricky. On the one hand, you want to be ready for anything, but you also don’t want to overspend and waste valuable resources. …

Securing Your Remote Workers 

Over the last few years, we have seen several tech companies, such as Buffer, Todoist and Help Scout, to name a few, switch to a fully remote or partial work setup. Most of these companies spent months preparing for the switch by training their employees, setting up remote work policies and ensuring the necessary infrastructure …

Change Management Basics for Technology Refreshes

Once you’ve completed a technology audit and prioritized the order in which you’ll close gaps in your infrastructure, it’s critical to remember that there are actions you must take prior to implementation for change to be successful and well-received by your team.  Change produces stress in technology environments and among those who implement or are …

Common Scalability Mistakes SMBs Make

Most small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are stretched for time and resources, due to which they may end up rushing through process implementations, technology upgrades, and new hire training. Inevitably, this results in botched executions and a foundation that doesn’t support sustainable scalability.  Sustainable scaling allows you to scale up or down as needed and …

Aligning People, Processes and Technology to Scale

Your company operates in a turbulent business environment where new technologies are reshaping industries, customer preferences are evolving rapidly and geopolitical equations are shifting dramatically. If you’re struggling to adapt to these quick and challenging transitions, you’re not alone.  To tackle these issues as soon as possible, some corporate executives resort to quick fixes that …