What to Include in Your Incident Response Plan

A security incident can topple an organization’s reputation and revenue in a short amount of time. As billionaire Warren Buffet once said, “it takes 20 years to develop a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” Keeping that in mind, it’s ideal to have an incident response plan in place before a security breach occurs.   …

The Importance of Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

As the name signifies, a BIA quantifies the impact of a cyber disruption on your business. It doesn’t matter if the disruption happens because of an internet outage or a severe breach — a BIA covers it all. A business impact analysis lays the foundation for a strong business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) strategy …

Why to Adopt a Comprehensive Backup and BCDR Strategy

Being a business owner is challenging. You have to deal with multiple problems at once and effectively solve each of those. You also need to have the foresight to arm your business with the right tools and solutions to deal with any issues that might arise later.  One such issue that you must always focus …

Business Continuity Plan 101

If you want your business to remain competitive even during a business disruption, you need to self-reflect.   What’s your plan against the unexpected?   The truth is, numerous threats can halt your business operations at any time. If your employees cannot quickly pivot to ensure business continuity, you won’t just struggle with competition, but with survival.   …

Why Your SaaS Data Needs Backup Protection

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications are more in use than ever before. Almost every company uses either one or the other SaaS application on a daily basis. The global SaaS market size is expected to reach $185.8 billion by 2024 as businesses move online and adapt to cloud for an agile and lean growth model.   However, most companies operate under the misconception that SaaS providers …

Recommended Best Practices for a Secure Supply Chain

Your business’ cybersecurity posture must prioritize detection, evaluation and mitigation of risks posed by your supply chain. It is vital that your security is upgraded on a regular basis to better prepare for any worst-case scenarios.  Having said that, it should come as no surprise that a vulnerable third party that your organization deals with …