Campus Cellular Signal Improvement
We have all been at a large gathering like a football game, basketball game or fair where large numbers of people are gathered and the quality of your cell service is very poor. We have also all been inside of commercial buildings, especially multi-story institutional types of buildings and experienced poor cellular service. As our society becomes more and more Dependant on our radio and otherwise “cellular” devices this poor service can move from being a nuisence to a real problem.
Neutral Host Wireless Distribution System (WDS)

Many higher education and other campus based facilities like manufacturing plants have seen improvement in the quality and reliability of their cellular devices by implementing campus based cellular boosting technology. These projects and installations are often done at the behest of the firm or school and can be carrier neutral so that each carrier does not have to deploy separate antenna and signal infrastructure. Depending on the numbers of customers involved, often the phone carriers will participate in defraying the costs to the school.
Cell Boosting Site Survey

A key factor in the ultimate success of a cell boosting implementation is understandably the site survey. The Enterprise US cell boosting site survey will look in detail at all of the many physical variables involved in your facilities and campus. We will look at the signal strengths of all of the carriers at the various places in your facility. Our proven methodology considers the construction materials and distances involved in all of the specified areas for improved cell coverage. We will also consider the types of service you wish to improve (i.e. 2G, 3G, 4G, CDMA, GSM, LTE etc.). This a detailed and thoughtful site survey that will lead to a well designed wireless distribution system.