Executive Summary
As technology has advanced, enterprises have undergone the evolution of their communications and information infrastructures. We have moved from analog TDM phones to networked systems, IP telephony and the powerful technology of “cloud based systems”. Because phone systems pre-dated most local data networks they started out on their own platforms and networks and protocols. These two networks require a bridge in order for the IP phones to communicate with phones over the PSTN (public switched telephone network). Originally, this required an enterprise to install and maintain PRI (primary rate interface)/BRI(basic rate interface) equipment.
By implementing a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunking solution we are able to eliminate the PRI/BRI/PSTS Gateway layer of equipment. The benefit of this is it gives you the ability to move all of the voice traffic on to the corporate/enterprise network. The benefit you see is easily being able to extend the advanced capabilities of the modern IP phones and call management systems to all of their remote and field people.
Benefits of the SIP Trunking Service
As the cost of bandwidth has come down and the quality has gone up, moving more data and voice traffic to the network via SIP trunking has made sense for more and more firms. The best SIP Trunking providers can offer many advantages, among them are:
- Significant cost-savings
- No More BRIs, PRIs or PSTN GatewaysWhen you use SIP trunking you eliminate the need to purchase BRIs (Basic Rate Interfaces), PRIs (Primary Rate Interfaces), or local PSTN gateways, lowering telephony costs. It is therefore much easier and less costly to extend your system over IP. Going from one E1/T1 to two always requires additional hardware. A move from an E1/T1 to a higher level standard bundle like STM-1 the hardware will require an upgrade.
- No More Separate Voice and Data ConnectionsA single corporate SIP trunking account can serve an entire enterprise, no matter the size. Also, multi-site enterprises can use a single SIP trunking provider account rather than multiple sub PRI connections. No matter your needs, we will configure your SIP Trunk account and channels to best meet your voice communications objectives.
- Turn All Calls into Local CallsThe emergence of service providers offering SIP trunks means that enterprises can outsource their PSTN connectivity to a third party. As a result, this reduces long-distance charges, as SIP calls travel over the Internet or provider’s IP network to a termination point owned by a service provider. After this, the call is then transferred to the local PSTN.As an example, a company in Sweden using VoIP and a SIP trunking service provider initiates a call to Dallas. This is done with a 001 international dialing prefix to designate a call to the US and the phone number. SIP trunking routs the call to a service provider over the public Internet which in turn redirects the call to its point of presence closest to the Dallas area. As a result, the call is carried most of the distance over the Internet at no incremental cost, and placed on the PSTN as a local Dallas call.
- Get Rid of Costly 800 Numbers, but Not the ConvenienceInstead of providing customers with an “800 number,” an SIP Trunking service provider with points of presence in multiple U.S. cities you could establish local numbers. As a result, this would provide the benefits of a local number in each city for customers to call. Those calls can be terminated locally and placed on the Internet for delivery to the company’s call center.
- Let ENUM HelpYou may use ENUM (Telephone Number Mapping) to look up phone numbers to determine if they match a known SIP address. This allows the call to connect over the Internet (instead of transferring it out to the PSTN). Since no traffic goes to the PSTN, ENUM provides you an additional means of cost-savings when you communicate with other firms that use SIP Trunking for communications.
- Keeping PSTN phone lines for alarms is something that we will help you consider and execute the appropriate response.
- Due to wide variances in how carrier’s systems handle the signals, Fax-service via SIP Trunking has historically been problematic. We have clients successfully using Appia aFax Services. This FoIP situation should be improving with the future releases of software. Carriers now have a published set of standards to handle FAX over IP (i.e. via Session Initiation Protocol).
There are four components necessary to successfully deploying a SIP Trunking solution:
1. A PBX with a SIP-enabled trunk side
2. An enterprise edge device understanding SIP
3. An Internet telephony or SIP trunking service provider
4. And an experience deployment partner, such as Enterprise Unified Solutions
At the right is an example of SIP Trunking architecture.
At Enterprise US, we are a proven leader in delivering emerging and disruptive technologies like SIP Trunking to our clients. Let help you realize the cost and efficiency benefits of SIP Trunking.
What Clients Say
“eUS did a good job in their implementation of a very complex telephone system about four years ago. They knew our company and our geographical dispersion. They also knew that technologically, we were willing to stand on the front end of the implementation curve. He presented a Call Manager IP telephony system.”
Midwest Contract Manufacturer in North East Indiana
For more comments from clients see the Testimonials Page.